APRIL 2024: Crossing the Line Goes to Print and I Make an Audiobook!

Crossing the Line Went to Print and I Made an Audiobook!

After the multi-year job of researching, interviewing, transcribing, drafting, writing, re-vising, re-vising again, editing, copyediting, and proof-reading, once, twice, three times, etc., Crossing the Line went to press on April 2, 2024. It was such a treat to then sit down and narrate my manuscript from beginning to end.

Big Thanks to the directors, producers, voice coaches, and voice artists at The Strathmore Studios, Clerkenwell, London, who made me feel so welcomed and supported. Best of all, because Strathmore is dog-friendly, Gryffindog got to help, too!

Crossing the Line is now available in audiobook format wherever you listen:

Audible * Spotify * Google * Chirp * Apple * Bibliotheca * Rakuten (Kobo) * Storytel * hoopla * ODILO * TuneIn * SCIRBD * Baker & Taylor * AudioBooks.com * Etc…

Sarah Towle