join the Hope knows no borders book club & Webinar series
The author and collaborators of Crossing the Line: Finding America in the Borderlands aim to grow a learning community across borders that engages one and all in a collective journey of discovery.
Launch event: March 30, 2025
All Welcome!
Great for faith- and community-based organizations with a social justice focus, human and immigration rights advocacy groups, activist and nonfiction book clubs.
March 30: On Providing Sanctuary & Building underground Railroads
Featured speakers, Reverend John Fife and Dora Rodriguez in conversation with Sarah Towle, will kick off this burgeoning learning community in a collective discovery of the Sanctuary Movement, when it began and why and how we must revive it to meet the demands of today. Additional guests (to come) will speak to the threats posed by the current administration to Sanctuary cities and states.
Suggested reading:*
From Crossing the Line…
Chapter 11: Modern Problems. Medieval Solutions
Chapter 23: Six, Seven, Eight Degrees of Family Separation
*All discussions will be thematically driven with suggested readings posted on this website in advance of each meet up.